Spectrum of sun light

What is Far Infrared Rays.
> The sun emits visible and invisible rays with which the visible rays are known famously as the rainbow colours in the spectrum while the invisible rays consist of Ultra Violet, X-rays, Gamma,Cosmic, Microwave, Long Wave, Electrical Wave and Infrared Rays. Infrared Rays’ wavelength ranges from 0.76 micron to 1,000 micron and far infrared rays’ length is 4 to1,000 micron. Scientists on biotechnology revealed that far infrared rays wavelength ranging from 6 microns to 14 microns played an important role in the process of formation and growing of living things.   
  > Human body consists of water and proteins with traces of calcium, iron, sodium and potassium elements which is able to emit 5-30 microns far infrared rays. According to the physiology researchers, due to this, the human bodies are able to absorb high amounts of 5-30microns far infrared rays.   
  > Other than the sun, earthen pot and stone pot can produce far infrared rays. Therefore, food that is cooked in clay pots is more fragrant and chestnuts are baked softer and sweeter.  
